Wednesday, December 29, 2010

7.0? Are you serious?

This week, I've been doing the high intensity interval sprints on the treadmill... in an effort to relieve my non-vacation-travel stress, I thought I'd push my sprint pace up from 6.0 to 7.0. The first night, I practically threw up twice during the last two one minute sprints at this pace.

I finally stopped wanting to throw up, or fall off of the treadmill, when I realized that 7.0 is the pace for an 8:35 minute mile... how can this be?? Everyone else's normal running pace is my sprinting pace?? *sigh*

I've now added to my "Beat Chris so he can pay for me to go to Vegas" goal - goal#2 by May is to run an 8:35 minute mile! :-)

PS. Chris, saw my trainer at the gym last night and told her of our challenge... she's totally on my side!! :-P

PPSS. New running shoes have made such a huge difference for me!! :-)

You are going down Linnie

But for the duration
of the challenge


Hello world,

Welcome to the blog titled Gavelers and Gallivanters. The initial purpose of this blog is to detail the weight loss bet between Stewman and Linnie P. The bet starts January 2nd, 2011 and runs till approximately May 5th. Loser has to pay for 2 nights at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. Loser is determined by the person who loses the least amount of body weight %. On January 2nd we shall post our starting weights.