Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh My God - I've gained two pounds!! :-(

Well, it's the second day in a row that my scale is reading 185... which i think means i'm officially up 2 lbs. BOO!! i think i've been snacking too much of late... multiple healthy snacks is still too much snacking. So, i'm back to writing down what i eat each day to try to get back on track. I've noticed that i've been absentmindedly snacking too, ie. snacking when i'm not even hungry! *sigh*... well, this is the week that i'm trying to do "my days" in the gym, so i'm sure it's only a temporary set back. i'm hopeful that this weekend will be beautiful and warm so i can do some outside activities, rather than just listening to the rain pound on my roof!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i'm so tired!!...

i just wanted to say that! :-) so, work continues to kick my ass, and i continue to only go to the gym on my training days, with no upside on my own days. the light at the end of the work-hell tunnel is shining brighter, so i will hopefully be able to up my working out to 4 days a week, and actually get some good cardio in there, when i finally wrest my personal life back from the job!

that all said, though, i'm still losing weight... just slooooooooowwwwwwwww... but i guess that is better than not at all. 100% of the pants i own are too big. but i'm trying to not buy new pants until i get to my final 150# goal. so, i'm going to look like a hot mess until probably December, when i finally get there!

in other news, can you believe the monsoon weather lately? this morning i decided to work from home because i didn't want to drive in the dark monsoon this morning. But tonight they said on the news that tomorrow morning will be even worse... i don't think i can work from home two consecutive days in a row!!! Plus, i feel like July wants to have some "me" time, which she can't do when i'm hanging out with her the whole day :-)

yes, skinny colleen has the same exciting life as non-skinny colleen did! :-) as brittany spears would say - happy Thursday y'all! ;-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick weekend update

So got home late evening last night from my mini vacation. Ate out 8 times from Thursday evening till Monday night. Not my best showing but that is what happens when on vacation and spending most of the day in casinos. Well weighed myself this morning and I gained only 2.4 pounds which was a surprise. I should drop this easily as I have no food at home and will be starving for the next few days...lol!!!

That is all. Too much work to do!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cross-Fit Saved Me Tonight...

Yesterday at work, one of the engineering guys who I've been friends with for the last 2 years, really hurt my feelings by something he said during a meeting... I know he didn't intend for it to be hurtful, and i probably was just tired and sensitive... so, the whole day today, i've been trying to let it go, and move onward, because it's silly. but it's hard, and yet still silly... so, i ate some fries for lunch, and still was not over it... and then i went to the gym tonight... i vented to my trainer about the silliness, and how i was having a hard time just moving onward from it... and then she showed me the workout plan for the night...

We were going to do 5 stations: squats, bicep curls, crunches, chest presses, and mountain climbers. There would be 8 consecutive cycles of 20 second intervals, as many reps as you can do in the 20 seconds, 10 second rest in between. You against you... how ever many you can do, circle your lowest in the set, and in a few weeks we do it again, and see if i can beat my lowest number of reps. squats was hard, but doable. bicep curls harder, but i made it through... crunches: felt like crying in round 7, actual crying in round 8! (all i knew is that i had to get through at least 5 crunches for round 8 - made it!), chest press hard, but no tears, mild shaking muscles. Mountain Climbers: tears on round 4!! but made it all the way through round 8! was so sure i was going to throw up!

Anyways, in the end... i made it through all of the rounds, and didn't stop!! and i've never ever felt so exhausted and spent and so very proud of myself! that was being an athlete, not just working out... SO VERY HAPPY... :-) AND... officially over the hurt feelings too... Thank you Club Sport and Mia! i really needed that tonight!! so looking forward to starting the weekend!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Been kinda quiet on the blog. I guess that's because I have not gotten a speeding ticket recently...LOL!! Sorry Leenie. Weighed myself this morning and came in at 203.4. That is a 7lb drop. This weekend will be tough though as I will be visiting BigHeeb91 and lots of bad food and drinks shall commence. Congrats Leenie on dropping almost 10% of your weight so far. Keep it up!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

c'mon halfway point...

This morning i weighed in at an 18lbs weight loss!!!!!!!!!! i'm hoping that by the end of next week, i'll be at the halfway mark of my complete goal... 20lbs down... trying to not count chickens before they hatch, but i am training 3-days this week... :-)


Friday, March 11, 2011

The Moral Highground...

This will not be a posting about weight loss (though I was just complimented by the finance lady on how shapely my figure is looking!), but will instead focus on the speeding ticket i got this morning on the way to taking my niece to school/coming to an 8am meeting...

I was going 80 on the freeway - must take advantage when there isn't bumper to bumper traffic to at least shave some precious time off of the long commute! and there was a CHP man, who i will refer to going forward as "the man", on the side of the road, outside of his car, with the radar gun pointing at me. I quickly slowed down, which just gave "the man" the time he needed to get in his car, and pull me over. my first thought was - Standing on the side of the road with a radar gun could not have been what drove you to choose policing as your career... perhaps there is a drunk driver or child molester somewhere you should be patrolling, and not the innocent, childless auntie, driving her tween-age niece to school while lecturing her on how she needs to do better in math and science (if only other child-less aunties were so involved in their niece's lives!). But alas, these were all internal thoughts as I only politely said "yes - speeding - 80 - ok (when he said it was actually 81)- thank you" through out the exchange.

As we continued the rest of our journey onward to Mitty Highschool, i pondered all of the reasons that i felt i should not be ticketed, and realized that it all summed up to "I'm a good person, who tries to help others, pays my taxes, doesn't use many of the govt. services, has health insurance, and car insurance, doesn't partake in litigious claims, donates each year to charity, volunteers..." but apparently, my moral high ground does not count with "the man"... and when said out loud, becomes a silly argument as to why i should not have any civic duties....

I will try to remember this the next time i get my bi-annual jury duty summons, and immediately think -Why do i have to go to jury duty? my peers do not break the law, thus how can i be on someones "jury of their peers"... ;-)

Oh Friday - so much self-awareness this morning... now back to losing weight...


Just read a quick bit on StickK on this sports book I'm reading right during my lunch after carbo-loading on some left over spaghetti. Sounds like a cool site. Haven't joined yet but just may be what we need to do!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"You actually look good now..." ;-)

The last two days have been a total blurr!!!! I've eaten out for dinner both nights, and half of lunch got bought at work... but lots of talk of contract terms and football... this will probably be the extent of the remainder of the week... contract terms and football stories.

So, funny story from the day... one of the guys is in town from TX, and as i was chatting with him at the cafe today, he said "wow Colleen, you have lossed so much weight, you look so different now. You actually look really good now..." hahahahahaha... it was super cute/awkward/a moment of proudness. I was so happy that someone had noticed, though one of my other team members and my boss both claim they noticed but didn't want to say anything due to sexual harrassment policy... hahahahaha again! :-)

As i have not seen the inside of the gym since Friday, and have been eating outside salad for two days, i'm happy that my weight is still 185, and people are noticing that i'm looking good... now... ;-)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Last night I ate bad... and it was so good!! :-)

So, this week has been REALLY hard... well, really the last two weeks have been REALLY hard at work. I've stayed really good on the diet, and not as good with the gym. But, that said, i've been maintaining at 185, so i can't complain. But last night, I went to Vani's super fun dinner party, where the food (all of it) was heavenly! and i probably had more than the usual "1 serving size". So, this morning, when i weighed in, i expected 3+ pounds to show, but hurray, it was only 1+... and i'm going to PT tonight, so the impact would be net 0! :-)

Anyways, my take away from this whole story is i think i'm having good diet balance and still getting to have a lot of fun, without ballooning upward on weight... i believe that is called having my cake and eating it too... :-) (sorry, i couldn't resist a little food humor)...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Comfort Food

Small admission... I actually wanted to cry (out of frustration, not sadness) today at work - this whole project is so much harder than anything I've ever done, except for maybe grad school, where more than a few tears were shed in the privacy of my car/house! ;-) I managed to not cry at any point, but declared at my 12th hour of work, that i was going to break my diet tonight, and engage in some comfort food eating... and then, i didn't know what i wanted, or what would actually comfort me... and so i ended up getting a Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich on 9-grain wheat bread from Subway!!

Dude, even in my serious time of need... i no longer have a comfort, go-to food!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weeds suck

So today I am so soar after spending about an hour yesterday pulling weeds from my front and back yards. I haven't been soar after workouts but I guess I used different muscles in pulling weeds. Anyways, just wanted to share this with the three people who read this blog.

2 month update

Hello fellow Gavelers, been quiet on the blog for a while. February was not a great month. Got off to bad start during super bowl weekend when I gained six pounds in two days. Went from 206 to 212. Not sure how many time I went to the gym but it was probably six or seven times. Went three times last week and did an hour on the elliptical each day burning over 2800 calories in the process. Felt good to do hour long workouts. I ended the month weighing 207 which is approximately a pound gained from end of January. Eating out was not as good as hoped but an improvement over 2010. I ate out a total of 22 times in February which is down from 33 the year before. For the year I've eaten out 39 times which is down from 63 through the first two months of 2010. We shall see how March goes.