So this week I went on a couple of runs outside, which were amazing. Friday, I cut out of the office an hour early, left my stuff at the Embarcadero Club One and ran along the Embarcadero to the old light house before you get to Fort Mason and then back again. The weather was awesome and the sky beautiful, the fog started rolling into the Bay, it was a gorgeous view. To add there were again a lot of hot guys - FYI hot guys exercise outside, I guess. Run number two was on Saturday around my parents house, which as you know is very residential and kind of hilly so that was interesting from a terrain standpoint but lacked eye candy. Run number three I met Emitis on Sunday morning at the entrance to the Los Gatos Creek Trail and we ran/walked to Vasona, which was fun too, but we mostly did a lot of catching up and ended up getting coffee.
All this helped the fact that I ate a lot of rather bad food on Saturday night and Sunday night at my parent's house - that place is a calorie-fest.
Nonetheless, here are my results for the week, not bad - still managed to shave off another pound and a half!
Contrary to your recent discovery, hot guys workout inside also. Matt and I prefer the gym and lets be honest here, who is hotter than both of us!